In the world of natural skincare there is so much misinformation around that it can leave us confused of what's fact, and whats actually fiction. From the claims that all natural ingredients are safe to use, to the overnight skincare miracles.
In this post we will look at 3 of these natural skincare myths and provide you with the facts to make informed choices when it comes to your skincare.
Myth 1. Natural Skincare is always safe for everyones skin.
Fact. When we think natural ingredients we assume that if its natural its automatically safe, Whilst many natural ingredients are safer and more gentle than synthetic ingredients, this isn't always the case. We all have different skin type, and as well as individuals sensitivities and allergies certain ingredients can be harsh on the skin, especially when used in large amounts or in an incorrect way.
Essential oils for an example can be very beneficial but can also be irritating if used incorrectly. Some citrus oils can even be phototoxic, increasing your skins sensitivity to the sun and even causing burns and hyperpigmentation.
The fact is natural skincare can be gentle and safe but not always, and not for everyone.
Important note. Shockingly, There are many bath, body and skincare products on the UK market ( especially on social media and at small business events ) which have not undergone a safety assessment. Each skincare product on the UK market must be assessed by a qualified chemist for consumers safety. If you are unsure if a product holds a cosmetic product safety report please do ask the seller, reputable brands will be happy to discuss this with you and provide you proof of their products safety.
Myth 2. Natural Skincare isn't as good as conventional skincare.
Fact. As more and more research is being undertaken more proof is being shown that many natural ingredients are just as good and some even more effective than synthetic ingredients. Naturally derived ingredients tend to be less harsh than the synthetic skincare ingredients. For example, Rosehip oil has similar benefits to the synthetic retinol equivalents in stimulating collagen production, reducing wrinkles and skin pigmentation, but is less irritating.
Another example is Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant and skin hydrating ingredient. The synthetic alternative, Tocopherol acetate is less easily absorbed by the skin than the natural Vitamin.
Myth 3. Natural Skincare is too expensive.
Fact. It's partly true as there are a number of high end natural skincare brands, but there are also many affordable brands too. Whilst it's obvious that quality organic and natural ingredients are more costly, As the demand for natural skincare increases, the luxury natural ingredients are becoming more readily available to us smaller makers. Smaller brands also have lower overheads when running their business, enabling us to create natural skincare products at a more affordable price range.